Qiagen 12163质粒大提试剂盒

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Qiagen 12163质粒大提试剂盒量大优惠,咨询 :

Qiagen 12163质粒大提试剂盒

QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit
纯化zui高产量可达500 μg的转染级别纯度的质粒或科斯质粒DNA
Ordering Information
Product Details
QIAGEN Plasmid Kits应用重力流阴离子交换柱纯化转染级纯质粒DNA。该试剂盒可制备多至20 μg (Mini)、100 μg (Midi)、500 μg (Maxi)、2.5 mg (Mega)或10 mg (Giga)的质粒DNA。离心法进行裂解液澄清和异丙醇沉淀。
NameDetailsCat. no.List price

传统的QIAGEN Plasmid Giga Kits应用重力流阴离子交换柱QIAGEN-tip 500 高效纯化质粒DNA,也单独提供QIAGEN-tips 500。QIAGEN Plasmid Maxi Kit 特性
Up to 500 µg500 µg100 ml -500 ml

* 实际产量取决于质粒拷贝数、插入片段大小、宿主菌、培养基和培养体积。
† 培养体积取决于质粒拷贝数、插入片段大小、宿主菌和培养基。
QIAGEN *的阴离子交换柱于核酸纯化,其的抽提性能可确保DNA纯度相当于甚至高于两次CsCl梯度离心的产物(见图”QIAGEN Plasmid kits制备超纯的质粒DNA)。预装的QIAGEN柱子以重力流方式纯化,不会流干,将质粒制备所需的手工操作时间降至zui少。整个质粒纯化系统避免了苯酚、氯仿、ethidium bromide和CsCl等有毒物质,将对用户和环境的危害降至zui低。
应用QIAGEN Plasmid Kits纯化过程中,通过离心取出细菌裂解液。然后将澄清的裂解液装入阴离子交换柱,在适当的低盐浓度和pH值条件下,阴离子交换柱会选择性地结合质粒DNA。RNA、蛋白质、代谢物和其他小分子杂质通过中盐浓度洗涤去除,应用高盐浓度缓冲夜洗脱超纯的质粒DNA(见流程图)通过异丙醇沉淀浓缩并脱盐DNA,离心法收集 DNA。
QIAGEN Plasmid Kits 纯化所得的质粒DNA非常适合于诸如转染(见图”转染效率 Vs. 质粒纯化方法”)、克隆、手动或自动测序(包括毛细管测序)和体外转录等应用。

Qiagen 12145纯化转染级质粒试剂盒100T

Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒高通量纯化血液或无细胞体液中的总DNA,包括基因组DNA,线粒体DNA,病毒DNA,zui高可达60 μg总DNA

Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒用于处理多至200 μl 的人全血, midi kits 处理量为0.3-2 ml,maxi kits为3-10 ml。QIAamp Mini、Midi 和Maxi离心管可在离心机或真空底座上制备样品。QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit 可在QIAcube上全自动进行DNA纯化。
Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒
Qiagen 28306 QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit (250) 从酶促反应物中回收纯化  
Qiagen 28304 QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit (50) 从酶促反应物中回收纯化  
Qiagen 28704 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (50) 胶回收试剂盒  
Qiagen 28706 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (250) 胶回收试剂盒  
Qiagen 30210 Ni-NTA Agarose (25 ml) 6His蛋白纯化柱料  
Qiagen 51104 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51106 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (250) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51183 QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (20) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51185 QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (100) 血液中提试剂盒  
Qiagen 51304 QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50) 人类组织和细胞DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51306 QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (250) 人类组织和细胞DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 52304 QIAamp RNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 新鲜全血样本胞内RNA的分离纯化  
Qiagen 52904 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (50) RNA病毒提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 52906 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (250) RNA病毒提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 56404 QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (50) 从石蜡包埋组织中纯化DNA试剂盒  
Qiagen 59104 EpiTect Bisulfite Kit (48) 甲基化转化试剂盒  
Qiagen 69104 DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (50) 从植物细胞和组织或真菌样本中纯化总DNA  
Qiagen 69504 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (50) 血液,组织DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 69506 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (250) 血液,组织DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen Qiagen 70022 Oligotex mRNA Mini Kit (12) 从总RNA、细胞核组织中纯化及体外转录产物回收

12143 QIAGEN 纯化zui高产量可达100ug的转染级别纯度的质粒或科斯质粒DNA • 纯度相当于2倍氯化铯梯度离心 • 高重现性的产量和转染级别纯度 • 经济实惠 •使用LyseBlue,获得*的裂解和zui大的DNA产量 产品描述 QIAGEN PlasmidKits应用重力流阴离子交换柱纯化转染级纯质粒DNA。该试剂盒可制备多至20 μg (Mini)、100 μg (Midi)、500 μg(Maxi)、2.5 mg (Mega)或10 mg (Giga)的质粒DNA。离心法进行裂解液澄清和异丙醇沉淀。

Qiagen 12145纯化转染级质粒试剂盒100T

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Qiagen 12145纯化转染级质粒试剂盒100T量大优惠,咨询 :

Qiagen 12145纯化转染级质粒试剂盒100T

Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒高通量纯化血液或无细胞体液中的总DNA,包括基因组DNA,线粒体DNA,病毒DNA,zui高可达60 μg总DNA

Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒用于处理多至200 μl 的人全血, midi kits 处理量为0.3-2 ml,maxi kits为3-10 ml。QIAamp Mini、Midi 和Maxi离心管可在离心机或真空底座上制备样品。QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit 可在QIAcube上全自动进行DNA纯化。
Qiagen 12145 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒
Qiagen 28306 QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit (250) 从酶促反应物中回收纯化  
Qiagen 28304 QIAquick Nucleotide Removal Kit (50) 从酶促反应物中回收纯化  
Qiagen 28704 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (50) 胶回收试剂盒  
Qiagen 28706 QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (250) 胶回收试剂盒  
Qiagen 30210 Ni-NTA Agarose (25 ml) 6His蛋白纯化柱料  
Qiagen 51104 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51106 QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit (250) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51183 QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (20) 血液DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51185 QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit (100) 血液中提试剂盒  
Qiagen 51304 QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50) 人类组织和细胞DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 51306 QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (250) 人类组织和细胞DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 52304 QIAamp RNA Blood Mini Kit (50) 新鲜全血样本胞内RNA的分离纯化  
Qiagen 52904 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (50) RNA病毒提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 52906 QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (250) RNA病毒提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 56404 QIAamp DNA FFPE Tissue Kit (50) 从石蜡包埋组织中纯化DNA试剂盒  
Qiagen 59104 EpiTect Bisulfite Kit (48) 甲基化转化试剂盒  
Qiagen 69104 DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (50) 从植物细胞和组织或真菌样本中纯化总DNA  
Qiagen 69504 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (50) 血液,组织DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen 69506 DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (250) 血液,组织DNA提取试剂盒  
Qiagen Qiagen 70022 Oligotex mRNA Mini Kit (12) 从总RNA、细胞核组织中纯化及体外转录产物回收

12143 QIAGEN 纯化zui高产量可达100ug的转染级别纯度的质粒或科斯质粒DNA • 纯度相当于2倍氯化铯梯度离心 • 高重现性的产量和转染级别纯度 • 经济实惠 •使用LyseBlue,获得*的裂解和zui大的DNA产量 产品描述 QIAGEN PlasmidKits应用重力流阴离子交换柱纯化转染级纯质粒DNA。该试剂盒可制备多至20 μg (Mini)、100 μg (Midi)、500 μg(Maxi)、2.5 mg (Mega)或10 mg (Giga)的质粒DNA。离心法进行裂解液澄清和异丙醇沉淀。

Qiagen12143 质粒中提试剂盒

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Qiagen12143 质粒中提试剂盒量大优惠,咨询 :

12143 QIAGEN 纯化zui高产量可达100ug的转染级别纯度的质粒或科斯质粒DNA • 纯度相当于2倍氯化铯梯度离心 • 高重现性的产量和转染级别纯度 • 经济实惠 •使用LyseBlue,获得*的裂解和zui大的DNA产量 产品描述 QIAGEN PlasmidKits应用重力流阴离子交换柱纯化转染级纯质粒DNA。该试剂盒可制备多至20 μg (Mini)、100 μg (Midi)、500 μg(Maxi)、2.5 mg (Mega)或10 mg (Giga)的质粒DNA。离心法进行裂解液澄清和异丙醇沉淀。

Qiagen12123 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Qiagen12123 纯化转染级质粒试剂盒量大优惠,咨询 :

QIAGEN Plasmid Mini Kit (25) 12123 QIAGEN 纯化多至20 µg转染级纯质粒或科斯质粒DNA •纯化得到相当于2次氯化铯梯度离心得到的DNA纯度 • 重复性好,高产量质粒DNA • 经济实惠 •使用LyseBlue,获得*的裂解和zui大的DNA产量 产品描述 QIAGEN PlasmidKits应用重力流阴离子交换柱纯化转染级纯质粒DNA。该试剂盒可制备多至20 μg (Mini)、100 μg (Midi)、500 μg(Maxi)、2.5 mg (Mega)或10 mg (Giga)的质粒DNA。离心法进行裂解液澄清和异丙醇沉淀。

Roche 11209264001;重庆供应Roche 11209264001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11209264001DNA MW-Marker VII量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11209264001 DNA MW-Marker VII量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11585029001;天津供应Roche 11585029001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11585029001NBT, Crystals, 5 g量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11585029001 NBT, Crystals, 5 g量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11426320001;上海供应Roche 11426320001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11426320001Anti-Fluorescein量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11426320001 Anti-Fluorescein量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 04898125001;北京供应Roche 04898125001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche  Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11008404001;乌鲁木齐供应Roche 11008404001;*Roch

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11008404001Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11008404001 Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 10236250001;银川供应Roche 10236250001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10236250001DNA MW-Marker II量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10236250001 DNA MW-Marker II量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11655884001;呼和浩应Roche 11655884001;*Roch

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11655884001CSPD, 1ml量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11655884001 CSPD, 1ml量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11175033910;海口供应Roche 11175033910;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11175033910DIG DNA Labeling Kit量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11175033910 DIG DNA Labeling Kit量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


柠檬苦素 Evodine 1180-71-8 生化试剂

柠檬苦素 Evodine 1180-71-8 生化试剂

英文名称:limonin from citrus seeds

柠檬苦素 Evodine 1180-71-8 生化试剂

柠檬苦素 Evodine 1180-71-8 生化试剂

英文名称:limonin from citrus seeds

柠檬苦素 Evodine 1180-71-8 生化试剂

产品编号 产品名称 包装 产品分类
YGBP-25 圆形盖玻片 直径25mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
XNB-U 血凝板 U型 10个/包 血凝板
XNB-V 血凝板 V型 10个/包 血凝板
BSXG-1 1ml吸管 100个/包 巴氏吸管
BSXG-2 2ml吸管 100个/包 巴氏吸管
BSXG-3 3ml吸管 100个/包 巴氏吸管
BSXG-5 5ml吸管 100个/包 巴氏吸管
FBM 封板膜 100张/包 封板膜|封口膜

Roche 10642720001;福建供应Roche 10642720001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10642720001DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10642720001 DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 10838292001;广州供应Roche 10838292001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10838292001T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 10838292001 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 10838292001      T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 03353583910;南昌供应Roche 03353583910;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche  DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche       DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen

Roche 10838292001      T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11096176001;杭州供应Roche 11096176001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11096176001Blocking Reagent 量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11096176001 Blocking Reagent 量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11096176001      Blocking Reagent             

Roche       DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen

Roche 10838292001      T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11666916001;南宁供应Roche 11666916001;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11666916001Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.F(7量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11666916001 Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.F(7量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11666916001      Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.F(7.

Roche 11096176001      Blocking Reagent             

Roche       DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen

Roche 10838292001      T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


Roche 11685619910;贵阳供应Roche 11685619910;*Roche

上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11685619910Fluorescein RNA Label.Mix 10x量大优惠,咨询 :


上海金畔生物科技有限公司供应Roche 11685619910 Fluorescein RNA Label.Mix 10x量大优惠,咨询 :

Roche 11685619910      Fluorescein RNA Label.Mix 10x

Roche 11666916001      Lumi-Film Chem.lum.Detect.F(7.

Roche 11096176001      Blocking Reagent             

Roche       DIG Oligo Tailing Kit, 2nd gen

Roche 10838292001      T4 Polynucleotide Kinase, 1000

Roche 10642720001      DNA Polymerase I, Endonucl.-fr

Roche 11175033910       DIG DNA Labeling Kit

Roche 11655884001      CSPD, 1ml

Roche 10236250001      DNA MW-Marker II

Roche 11008404001      Klenow Enzyme, Labeling Grade,

Roche       Rapid DNA Dephos & Ligation Ki

Roche 11426320001      Anti-Fluorescein

Roche 11585029001      NBT, Crystals, 5 g

Roche 11209264001      DNA MW-Marker VII

Roche 10810274001      RNA Polymerase, SP6, 1000 u

Roche 11526529910      RNA-Lenght-standards I DIG   4

Roche 11585592001      High Prime                    

Roche 11759051001      CDP-Star 2 x 1 ml

Roche 11745832910      DIG High Prime Lab/Detection K

Roche 11209256910      DIG-11-UTP

Roche 11745808910      Nick translat.mix f.in situ pr

Roche 11093070910      Biotin-16-dUTP, Solution

Roche 10821705001      DNA MW-Marker V

Roche 11093088910      DIG-11-dUTP, alkali-stable, 25

Roche 11573152910      DIG-11-dUTP,Alkali-labil, Solu

Roche 10899208001      Restr.-Endonucl. Apa I, 5000U

Roche 11336045001      DNA MW-Marker VIII

Roche 11498037001      DNA MW-Marker X

Roche 11796895001      DIG Easy Hyb Granules

Roche 11426338910      Anti-fluorescein-ap Fab Fragme

Roche 10904988001      P1-5'-(7-Met)-G-P3-5'-GTPm7G(5

Roche 11277081001      Hexanucleotide Mix

Roche 11442074001      BM Purple AP Substrate, precip

Roche 11669940910      DNA-Length-standard VII DIG

Roche 10174645001      Polynucleotide Kinase, 200 U

Roche 10881767001      RNA Polymerase, T7, 1000 U

Roche 11031163001       RNA Polymerase, T3, 1000 U

Roche 11214667001      Anti-Digoxigenin, Fab Fragment

Roche 11449460001      DNA MW-Marker IX

Roche 10711454001      BSA, 20mg, SQ for Molecular Bi

Roche       rAPid Alkaline Phosphatase 100

Roche 11759779001      BM Chem-Lum. ELISA Substr. (AP

Roche 10909831001      Restr.-Endonucl. Nsi I, 200 u

Roche 12015196001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Substrate

Roche 11691112001       Human Genomic DNA

Roche 10165948001      RNA, MS2

Roche 11296744001      Mycoplasma Detection Kit     

Roche 10742988001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 1000u

Roche 10102814001      alpha-Amylase (pig pancreas)

Roche 12140314001      High Fidelity PCR Master

Roche 11666690001      Buffers in a Box, premix TAE B

Roche 11779842001      SEAP Assay, chemilum.

Roche 11441337001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mun I

Roche 11168860001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bbr PI (Pma C

Roche 10982962001      N-Acetyl-b-D-Glucosaminidase S

Roche 10742970001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dpn I, 200u

Roche       Anti-His6-Peroxidase (2)

Roche       Pwo SuperYield DNA Polymerase

Roche 11495062001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 500

Roche 11483188001      First Strand cDNA Synt. Kit fo

Roche 11087789001      Collagenase H, 2.5g, non-steri

Roche 11277049001      Deoxynucleoside triphosphate S

Roche 11418432001      Taq DNA Polymerase,5units/Ál(4

Roche 11647687001      Taq DNA Polymerase,1unit/Ál (4

Roche 10380385001      Restr.-Endonucl. Hpa I, 100 u

Roche 11596594001      Taq DNA Polym., 5 units/Ál (10

Roche 11206893001      Protease Inhibitors Set

Roche 11732668001      HP PCR Product Purification Ki

Roche 11667165001      TRIPURE ISOLATION REAGENT 200

Roche       PVDF Western Blotting Membrane

Roche 4738284001 FastStart HiFi PCR System dNTP

Roche 11667157001      TriPure Isolation Reagent, 50

Roche 12032902001      FastStart Taq DNA Polymerase,

Roche 10909700001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 500 u

Roche 11417975001      SuRE/Cut Buffer L

Roche 10127060001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche       FastStart Taq DNA Pol. dNTPack

Roche 10688541001      Restr.-Endonucl. Cfo I (Hha I)

Roche 11934317001      RNA/DNA Stabil.-Reag.Blood/Bon

Roche 10997480001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sna BI

Roche 10972975001      Restr.-Endonucl. Ssp I

Roche 10239275001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 500U

Roche 11417983001      SuRE/Cut Buffer M

Roche 11103024001       Restr.-Endonucl. Nar I       

Roche 10206938001      RNA, 16S- and 23S-Ribosomal

Roche 11243497001      Restr.-Endonucl. Sfu I       

Roche 10127698001      b-Glucuronidase/Arylsulfatase,

Roche 10107948001      Nucleoside Monophosphate Kinas

Roche 11418009001      DNA MW-Marker IV

Roche 11666878001      Anti-HA Fluorescein

Roche 10728438001      Restr.-Endonucl. Acc I, 500 u

Roche 11558170001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bln I       

Roche 11699075001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (82

Roche 11754777001      HP Plasmid Isolation Kit, 50 p

Roche 11271164001       Interleukin-2, mouse (mIL-2)

Roche 11198939001       Restr.-Endonucl. Bfr I (Afl II

Roche 10476480001      NAD(P)H:FMN Oxidoreductase (FM

Roche 11457756001      Interleukin-1b, human (hIL-1b)

Roche 5114403001 High Pure Viral NA Large Volum

Roche 11718096001      DAB Substrate

Roche 10656267001      Restr.-Endonucl. Alu I, 2000U

Roche 11351311001       Enterokinase, 3 x 250 Ág

Roche 11047680001      Restr.-Endonucl. Stu I, conc.

Roche 12015218001      Lumi-Light^PLUS WB Kit (Mouse/

Roche       HP RNA Paraffin Kit

Roche 11741985001      mRNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11271156001       Tumor Necrosis Factor-a, mouse

Roche 11699083001      Nylon Membranes, 50 discs (132

Roche 11175050001       Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, conc

Roche 10109118001      Reverse Transcriptase AMV, 100

Roche 11785826001      ExpandTM Reverse Transcriptase

Roche 10822221001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mae I, 250 u

Roche 11274040001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11097059001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, conc.

Roche 10835277001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 700 (Xmn

Roche 11362399001      Meganuclease I-Sce I

Roche 10814253001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 5000

Roche 11814389001      RED BLOOD CELL LYSIS BUFFER-CN

Roche 11464825001      Restr.-Endonucl. Tru 9I, 1000

Roche 4823125001 High Pure FFPE Micro Kit

Roche 6650767001 High Pure FFPET DNA Isolation Kit

Roche 6650775001 High Pure FFPET RNA Isolation Kit

Roche 11288075001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mva I       

Roche 11117807001       Restr.-Endonucl. Ksp I       

Roche 10693952001      Restr.-Endonucl. Bcl I, 500u

Roche 10843547001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dra III, 500u

Roche 11062573001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mvn I

Roche 10798983001      Restr.-Endonucl.Hind III, conc

Roche 11418165001      Biotin Protein Labeling Kit

Roche 10909718001      Restr.-Endonucl. Mlu I, 2500 u

Roche 10814245001      Restr.-Endonucl. Asp 718, 1000

Roche 10835307001      Restr.-Endonucl. Dde I, 1000U

Roche       FastStart High Fidelity PCR Sy

Roche 11585649910      Biotin High Prime   100ul

Roche 11585584001      High Prime DNA Labeling Kit  

Roche 11426346910      Anti-Fluorescein-POD

Roche 11484281001      BM Blue POD Substrate, soluble

Roche 11332481001      Triton X-100, 5×10 ml

Roche 10800058001      Storage-Box

Roche 11667009001      Strip PCR Tubes and Caps, 8 st

Roche 11811002001       ExpandTM 20 Plus PCR Sys.

Roche 10109223001      RNA

Roche 11146173001       Taq DNA Polymerase,5 units/Ál

Roche 11427598910      Biotin-16-ddUTP

Roche 11934333001      mRNA Isolation Kit for Blood/B

Roche 11581074001      COT Human DNA

Roche       Pwo Superyield DNA Polym. dNTP

Roche 11755633001      CSPD, ready-to-use, 100ml


夏佛塔苷 51938-32-0 生化试剂

夏佛塔苷 51938-32-0 生化试剂


夏佛塔苷 51938-32-0 生化试剂

夏佛塔苷  51938-32-0 生化试剂


夏佛塔苷  51938-32-0 生化试剂

产品编号 产品名称 包装 产品分类
YGBP-8 圆形盖玻片 直径8mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-12 圆形盖玻片 直径12mm(2000片) 2000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-13 圆形盖玻片 直径13mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-15 圆形盖玻片 直径15mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-18 圆形盖玻片 直径18mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-20 圆形盖玻片 直径20mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-24 圆形盖玻片 直径24mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片
YGBP-25 圆形盖玻片 直径25mm(1000片) 1000片/盒 盖玻片